Tuesday 26 July 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

I've heard that patience is a virtue and virtue is a grace, but where do you draw the line between practicing patience and losing with laziness?  What ever happened to going after what you want...being aggressive, proactive, and persistent?   When did the early bird stop getting the worm?  Is he getting beat out by the guy who strolls in late, lights a smoke and just "patiently" waits for the worm to come to him?
I work in an industry that requires me to play a lot of the Waiting Game (which has severely contributed to my skill level in the Tetris Game, the Solitaire Game, and the Facebook Game).  My sales reps sell air time, I contact the client, and then I WAIT for the client to send me commercial info.  Some clients operate lickity split, while others are slower than molasses.  I have learned to step lightly when trying to rush a client, as they might get nervous from the pressure and decide to cancel their buy completely.  But as I sit at my desk clicking through pictures, texting on my phone, beating high scores...being patient...I literally want to SCREAM!  Don't these people know that the more time I have to write their commercial before it needs to air, the better the final product will be!?
Now, work is work.  I get paid the same amount whether I am writing or waiting, and I would surely lose my job if I started screaming at my clients.  BUT...in my personal life I am the boss, and slow and steady just isn't going to win the race.  I can't sit around and wait for things to come to me.  I mean, it's a real nice thought that if I just sit by my phone Cosmo Magazine will call up with a job offer; and if I think about a sandwich, one with appear on a plate in my hand (along side a cold glass of milk).  Does life work that way for anyone?  And how does being patient apply when it comes to guys?  How long are you supposed to wait before it's considered a waste?  I think that one is a slippery slope where patience can turn into humiliation much too easily.
In life, anything worth waiting for...is more worth going out and getting!  It just makes sense.  The early bird gets the worm because he is hungry enough to set his alarm and haul ass out of bed...I have to keep sending out my portfolio if I want to write a column...If I want a sandwich I guess I'll make one, or at very least cruise over to Subway to pick one up.  And when it come to the numerous games we all inevitably play with the opposite sex...it may not always need to be a race, but you sure aren't going to win if you stand still.  We all need a little action.

And when you absolutely MUST wait, I suggest trying this new quote that I find more realistic; "The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile.".
But, whether it's computer games, or men...just make sure you can minimize or exit with a simple click of the mouse*