Monday 21 March 2011

Can You Really Pass That Up?

In life, there are far too many things that are bad for us.  Cigarettes...poutine...tanning beds.  But why is it that it seems to be the naughtiest of things that so strongly draw us in?
A friend of mine is like most of us, on a diet.  She constantly flops back and forth between starving herself, and binge eating.  The other day, I had a bowl of fresh and delicious strawberries cut conveniently into bit size quarters.  I could have easily eaten the entire thing myself, but I offered her some.  To my astonishment that dear dieting diva took one look at those quaintly-cut berries and said, "No...I better not.".  NO, I BETTER NOT?!?!  Strawberries!  She looked at my bowl of strawberries as if it were a box of dough-nuts from Tim's  that she'd love to devour but she'd "better not.". She passed them up!   When I saw her a few days later, she couldn't stop talking about the ENTIRE PAN of cinnamon buns she had just made, and ate.
Now...I can't help but relate almost everything to men (not to be confused with me relating to men...I don't understand them at all).  "Dieting"; searching for someone healthy for our hearts.  Maybe it's easier than we thought.  Maybe the trick is knowing when to bite!  Learning to SEE the good ones when they're there.  A guy who cooks you dinner, makes you laugh, and kisses your forehead if you fall asleep during the movie.  Can you really pass that up?   Because just like that pan of cinnamon buns that will always be harmful to your hips...certain men will forever be hard on your heart.  So when you find those special ones, who make you feel nothing less than perfect...your best bet is to bite!

I started buying strawberries a few weeks ago.  I've never been more satisfied. ;)

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