Tuesday 28 June 2011

Casting Call

Well, it's no secret that I haven't written in my blog for a while.  It's been about 5 weeks actually.  YIKES!  My excuse?  I've been a bit...distracted.  Distracted by summer!  I'm sure the majority can relate that once the summer season is in effect, all priorities are thrown out the window.  Now, I can still make it to work Monday to Friday, but every minute I spend indoors I also spend wishing I was outdoors.  As soon as 5 o'clock hit this past Friday I was hastily grabbing my gear and heading southwest.  Rain or shine, I was going camping...and FISHING!
I didn't grow up in a fishing family, in fact I can say with confidence that my dad never took me fishing.  He just wasn't that guy.  A bike ride or a game of catch for sure, but fishing didn't interest him so it was far from a priority in my childhood summer plans.  Who would have thought at age 24, I would suddenly find the act of casting a line and hook so intriguing?  At first glance (and as my sister would suggest) it's easily chalked up to my choice of company as of lately; an individual admittedly in love with the sport.  The excitement in his voice when telling tales of great catches...the disappointment I can sense when the river is too high or muddy...the energy he had this past Saturday morning when we set out on our hike to the lake.  Sure, he enticed me.  His size of enthusiasm alone could likely convince a fish that biting the hook is a good idea, but upon closer inspection I've discovered that my new passion did NOT just blossom.  I have been fishing since puberty.  I'm talking men now of course.
A couple means 2, a few is 3, and plenty implies 4.  Well let me tell you, the term "plenty of fish in the sea" is the wildest understatement in the world!  There were literally hundreds of fish swimming about in the rather small lake I found myself at this weekend, so I can assure you that there are more than 4 fish in the sea.  And much like fish, men are seriously swarming us!  Like I said...I've only been around for 24 years, and I feel like I've already come across more than my fair share.  There are those who show no interest in your presentation, those who are so dangerous they're sure to bite back...some ugly...some smelly...some with no appetite...and some too small to keep. ;) But that's the beauty of the male creature; there is an abundance of them in a variety of flavors all around us at any given time.  Any one of them can be hooked with the right bait, so we keep on fishing.  It's almost a sport or a game, one that doesn't have to end until you feel like you've won.  But how much time and energy have you wasted trying to figure out which lure catches which species?  When is it time to look in a different stream, river, lake, or even ocean?
We can dress ourselves up, colour our hair, and apply make-up.  We can laugh at dumb jokes, pretend to like rock n' roll, and root for their favourite team...but since there really are so many fish in the sea, why pretend to be anything you're not?  Whether you're a Dardevle Spinnie, Rapala, or Curly Tail Grub, odds are you're going to catch a fish.  Perhaps our time would be better spent locating the right body of water that has the fish we're looking for.  Maybe all it takes is a hike to the right spot.
Now, I'm sure it's not like shooting fish in a barrel, and I'm not saying I've completely won yet...but I went fishing for my first time this past weekend, and I caught a beautiful Brook Trout on my first cast!  I was definitely at the right lake.
*FisherWOMAN'S Advisory: If trying to catch fish OR men, please be warned...the Red Deer River is rough!

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