Wednesday 6 April 2011

Veto My Vote!

I was brought up on the far right side of what is commonly known as the political spectrum; conservative.  Things were either right or wrong, black or white...Dad's way or the Hi-way.  There really wasn't room in the Platt house for politics, and if it did sneak in for a visit here or there it was shuffled out the door quicker than an unwanted relative.  The point is, I will be the first to admit that I am politically ignorant.  I know about Obama, Osama, and Oprah, but it doesn't go much further than that...and that's how I like it.  (If you are extremely passionate about politics, take that as a warning that you aren't going to enjoy reading further)
Apparently there is an election coming up.  Federal?  Provincial?  Who gives a shit?  I don't know, because I don't care.  I do however, work with an individual who DOES give a shit.  In fact, he damn near makes it his job to let the entire office know just how MUCH he DOES care.  His name is Joe.  Joe knows I don't vote.  
Around 4:40 PM today, Joe decided to strike up another one of his political debates.  He informed me of the new "genius" media campaign that was recently launched to once again encourage young adults to vote.  As per usual when Joe refers to things of no interest to me, I was first.  But as he rambled on about it being my right to vote, I closed my word document and opened my mouth.  I told him that no matter what kind of genius campaign has been thought of to force voting upon me like a rapist forcing sex...I still wasn't going to vote.  The frustration that instantly dominated his face made me giggle inside, and honestly fueled me to continue.  I explained to Joe that because I know so little about politics I am actually doing our world a favor by staying home on election day.  Do we really want a bunch of plumbers performing brain surgery?  I don't think so.  This analogy should be no insult to a plumber.  No matter how kick-ass that plumber is with drainage systems and water fixtures, we aren't about to sign him up for a Craniotomy any time soon.  Can you imagine the mess?!  It would be catastrophic really.  Having said that...a plumber is more than welcome to apply for med school if brain surgery is something he wants to dabble into. 
Joe didn't even flinch at my well-played analogy, so...I folded.  I told him if he bought me an ice cream afterward, I'd vote.  It was almost 5 PM anyway and I didn't want to miss my tanning appointment due to plumbers nor politics.
I have always hated censorship.  If I have something to say, I will say it.  When I can form an educated opinion I will present it.  If you ask me to vote on which heels look better with your little red dress...I WILL vote!  I consider myself an expert on shoes.  But with freedom of speech and the power to vote, also comes the responsibility to know when to keep quiet.  And when it comes to legislatures and lobbying, reform and residuals...I'm going to exercise my right to remain silent.

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